What is Destructuring Assignment?

Destructuring assignment is a special JavaScript syntax that makes it possible to assign multiple variables to elements of an array or properties of an object. It is very useful when you are trying to assign multiple variables or get values of an array and/or object.


Destructuring assignment syntax is very similar to how you would define an array. The main difference is that on the left side you define variable names for values you want to ‘unpack’ (take out) from an array or object.

Comparison of Array literal assignment and Destructuring syntax

  // Array literal assignment
  let numbers = [0, 2, 3, 4];

  // destructuring syntax
  let [firstNumber, secondNumber, thirdNumber, fourthNumber] = numbers;

  console.log(firstNumber, secondNumber, thirdNumber, fourthNumber);
 // 0 2 3 4

Destructuring for arrays:

  let numbers = [0, 2, 3, 4];

  let [firstNumber, secondNumber, thirdNumber, fourthNumber] = numbers;
  console.log(firstNumber, secondNumber, thirdNumber, fourthNumber);
  // 0 2 3 4

Destructuring for objects:

  let myDog = {
    name: 'Lanky',
    color: "orange"

  let {name, color} = myDog;
  console.log(name, color);
  // Lanky orange

Note: The reason why the variable names are set to the property name in objects is because destructuring retrieves the property names and expects to set them to that variable name. You can change the variable name to what you want and there is an example below on how to do that.

Assigning new variable names to destructuring for objects:

  let myDog = {
    name: 'Lanky',
    color: "orange"

  let {name: myDogName, color: myDogColor} = myDog;
  console.log(myDogName, myDogColor);
  // Lanky orange

You can use destructuring with a variables declared with var, let or const, I just decided to use let.


Destructuring is not supported in some browsers.

A solution to have a wider browser support would be to use a transpiler like babel on your javascript files.


Array Destructuring

Assign variables seperate from variable declaration:

  let name, anotherName;
  let names = ['Daniel', 'Brian'];
  [name, anotherName] = names;
  console.log(name, anotherName);
 // Daniel Brian

Having default values in case the value 'unpacked' from an array is undefined:

  let names = ['Daniel'];

  let [name = 'Daniel', anotherName = 'Brian'] = names;
  console.log(name, anotherName);
  // Daniel Brian

Swapping two variable values:

  let favoriteNumber = 42;
  let leastFavoriteNumber = 3;

  console.log(favoriteNumber, leastFavoriteNumber);
  // 42 3
  [favoriteNumber, leastFavoriteNumber] = [leastFavoriteNumber, favoriteNumber];

  console.log(favoriteNumber, leastFavoriteNumber);
  // 3 42

Using what a function returns if it's an array:

  function getMeSomeNumbers () {
    return [7, 42];
  let [firstNumber, secondNumber] = getMeSomeNumbers();
  console.log(firstNumber, secondNumber);
  // 7 42

Ignore values of arrays or return array values of a function if you dont want to assign them to variables using ,:

  let names = ['Brian', 'Daniel'];
  let [,myName] = names
  // Daniel
  function getMeSomeNumbers () {
    return [7, 42];
  let [,favoriteNumber] = getMeSomeNumbers();
  // 42

Assign the rest of an array to a variable using ...yourVariableName:

  function getMeSomeNumbers () {
    return [7, 42, 100, 1, 12];
  let [,favoriteNumber, anotherNumber, ...newNumbers] = getMeSomeNumbers();
  console.log(favoriteNumber, anotherNumber, newNumbers);
  // 42, 100, [1, 12]

Object Destructuring

Assign variables seperate from variable declaration:

  let name, age;

  ({name, age} = {name: 'Daniel', age: 23});
  console.log(name, age);
  // Daniel 23

Note: When you want to assign variables seperate from variable declarations, You have to have the parenthesis around the assignment or else it won’t work.

Providing default values in case the value unpacked from an object is undefined:

  let me = {age: 23};
  let {name='Daniel', age} = me;
  console.log(name, age);
  // Daniel 23

Assign new variable names and provide default values in one line:

  let me = {age: 23};
  let {name: myName = 'Daniel', age: myAge = 23} = me;
  console.log(myName, myAge);
  // Daniel 23

Assign the rest of an objects properties to a variable using ...yourVariableName:

  let {name, age, ...bio} = {name: 'Daniel', age: 23, favoriteColor: 'blue', coolNumber: 5, github: 'planeswalker1'};
  console.log(name, age, bio);
// Daniel 23 {favoriteColor: 'blue', coolNumber: 5, github: 'planeswalker1'}

Combine both array and object destructuring to set nested values to variables:

  let people = [
    { id: 1, name: 'Daniel'},
    { id: 2, name: 'Brian'},
    { id: 3, name: 'Angel'},
    { id: 4, name: 'David'}

  const [,, { name: friend }] = people;
  // Angel


Destructuring assignment is very useful when you are trying to pass the elements of an array or properties of an obect to variables, and set nested values to variables.

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