the difference between var, let, and const

var, let, and const are ways to declare variables.

It is important to use these declarations the right way because they were made to benefit the developer and make code easier to understand.

they are declared and defined like this


// it is block scoped
// should only be used for stuff that is constant
// can not be reassign
const name = "Brian";

// it is block scoped
// can be assign and reassign
let age = 18;

// it is function scoped
// can be assign and reassign
var state = "California"

first let’s talk about scope in JavaScript

Scope is the way JavaScript finds declarations.

There are Block scope and Function scope.

what is Block scope

A Block scope is defined with curly braces.

Using var in a Block scope doesn’t prevent the variables from being accessible outside it.

Using const or let in a Block scope prevents the variables from being accessible outside it.


  var varDeclaration = "I am a var in a block scope";
  console.log(varDeclaration); // I am a var in a block scope
// varDeclaration is accessible outside the block scope
console.log(varDeclaration); // I am a var in a block scope

  let letDeclaration = "I am let in a block scoped";
  console.log(letDeclaration); // I am let in a block scoped
// Uncaught ReferenceError: letDeclaration is not defined

  const constDeclaration = "I am a const in a block scoped";
  console.log(constDeclaration); // I am a const in a block scoped
// Uncaught ReferenceError: constDeclaration is not defined

Anything with a opening curly braces and closing curly brace creates a Block scopes.

Examples of Block scopes are if else statements and for loops.

What is Function Scope

Function scope is anything inside a function. Everything declared inside a function isn’t accessible outside it.


const sayApples = "Apples from global scope";

function sayFruit () {
  let sayApples = "Apples from sayFruit()";
  const sayBananas = "Bananas from sayFruit()";
  var sayOranges = "Oranges from sayFruit()";

sayFruit(); // Apples from sayFruit()

console.log(sayApples); // Apples from global scope

// Uncaught ReferenceError: sayBananas is not defined

// Uncaught ReferenceError: sayOranges is not defined

When executing sayFruit() “Apples from sayFruit()” is printed instead of “Apples from global scope” because the variable sayApples in the function is defined in the same scope as where console.log() is executed.

When looking for variables it starts at where the variable is referenced and it goes up scope until it reaches the global scope.

The significance of var

var can be redeclared and reassigned.


var fruit = "Orange";
fruit = "Apple";
var fruit = "Banana";

console.log(fruit); // Banana

var is hoisted and initialized to undefined.


console.log(hoisted); // undefined
var hoisted = "hi";

var doesn’t care about block scope.

If there is no var declaration JavaScript assumes you meant to make it a variable and puts it in the global scope.


if (true) {
  var fruit = "Orange";

if (true) {
  vegetable = "Carrot";

console.log(fruit); // Orange
console.log(vegetable) // Carrot

why var sucks

it pollutes the global scope.


for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  // code

// i is on the global scope even though we don't need it
console.log(i); // 10

Allows variables to be redeclared.


var task = "be cool.";
if (true) {
  var task = "be awesome.";

console.log(task) // be awesome.

The global scope version of the variable is changed.

The significance of let

let is usually the variable declaration that is used over var because it has better features than var does.

It can not be redeclared but can be redefined.


let favoriteJuice = "Orange juice";

favoriteJuice = "Apple juice";

console.log(favoriteJuice); // Apple juice

let favoriteJuice = "Cranberry juice";
// Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'favoriteJuice' has already been declared

let is hoisted but not initialized.


// Uncaught ReferenceError: hoisted is not defined

let hoisted = "Hi I am hoisted but not initialized";

let uses block scope which means it can only be access in the scope it was defined in.


let favoriteFruit = "Oranges";
if (true) {
  let favoriteFruit = "Bananas";
  console.log(favoriteFruit); // Bananas

console.log(favoriteFruit); // Oranges

why use let over var

let doesn’t pollute the global scope.


for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  // code

// Uncaught ReferenceError: i is not defined

let is Block scope which means the problems we had with var doesn’t apply to let.

The significance of const

variables declared with const should hold values that are constant.

const cannot be redeclared or reassigned.


const isJavaScriptCool = true;
isJavaScriptCool = false;
// Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

const isJavaScriptCool = "maybe";
// Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'isJavaScriptCool' has already been declared

const must be initialized when declared.

Just like let const is hoisted but not initialized.


// Uncaught ReferenceError: hoisted is not defined

const hoisted = "Hi I am hoisted but not initialized";

const variable declarations are block scoped like let


if (true) {
  const areYouAwesome = true;
  console.log(areYouAwesome); // true

// Uncaught ReferenceError: areYouAwesome is not defined

const isn’t really constant

Some values can be changed with a const variable declaration.

values can be changed in objects.

const beanBurritoRecipe = {
  tortilla: "flour",
  bean: "pinto beans"

beanBurritoRecipe.tortilla = "corn";

// { "tortilla": "corn", "bean": "pinto beans" }

Add, modify, and remove elements from an array.


const numbers = [1, 2, 3];

console.log(numbers); // [1, 2]

console.log(numbers); // [1, 2, 5]

numbers[1] = 10;
console.log(numbers); // [1, 10, 5]

summary of the differences

Most if not all the time use let and const.

  1. let and var don’t have to be initialized when declared. const has to be initialized when declared.

  2. var can be redefined and redeclared, let can be redefined but not redeclared, const can’t be redefined or redeclared.

  3. var declarations are globally or function scoped while let and const are block scoped.

  4. use const when wanting to declare a variable that shouldn’t change.

la diferencia entre var, let, y const

explicación de const, let, y var declaración cuando usando JavaScript

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