How to add mongod to the command prompt in windows 10

Sometimes when installing software, it might not give you an option to set an environment variable. This happened to me with mongodb.

What are Environment Variables

An environment variable can be thought of as a path to an executable program. Having this set is useful if you want to run programs through the command prompt instead of having to open them in a file explorer.

How to add mongod to the environment Variables

Here are the steps to add mongod to the environment variables in Windows 10, after installing mongodb.

Windows 10 MongoDB bin folder in File Explorer

Windows 10 MongoDB bin folder in File Explorer

Windows 10 MongoDB bin folder in File Explorer

Windows 10 MongoDB bin folder in File Explorer


Now you should be able to run mongod and mongo from anywhere in the command prompt.

JavaScript Primitives

Numbers, strings, booleans, undefined, null are 5 out of the 6 primitives, or basic data types. The other one is symbol, which represents an identifier for object properties.

What is BEM

Keeping track of every single HTML element might become difficult. There's this CSS naming convention called block element modifier, also known as BEM. What it means is there are three different CSS classes of tags.